68th International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 08 - 11, 2009 | Boston, USA

K10-1 How Well Do Public Policies Reduce Negative Externalities?

Friday, October 9, 2009: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Ronald Shadbegian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—USA
Devon Lynch, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA
Environmental Regulations and Technological Change
Ronald Shadbegian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—USA
Estimation of Blind Spot Externalities
Sarah B. Cosgrove, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA
Corruption and Illegal Logging in the Tropics
Amy Ickowitz, Clark University—USA; Juan Robalino, CATIE—Costa Rica
Suchandra Basu, Rhode Island College—USA ; Sarah B. Cosgrove, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA ; Amy Ickowitz, Clark University—USA and Devon Lynch, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA