Chair: Dionysios Chionis, Democritus University of Thrace — Greece

Marta Gómez-Puig, Universitat de Barcelona — Spain, Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk in EU-15 Sovereign Yield Spreads After Seven Y

Hideyuki Kamiryo, Hiroshima Shudo University — Japan, Case Study and Examination of the EMU's Golden Rule for Deficit and Debt

Gerald R. Steele, Lancaster University — United Kingdom, Taylor Rules: the ‘Keynes and the Classics' Debate goes on

David S. Bywaters and D. Gareth Thomas, University of Hertfordshire, England — England, Econometric Analysis of the US Demand for Money and Federal Government Debt

A. T. Aburachis, Gannon University — USA, The Theory of Liquidity Preference: Reprise

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