70th International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 11 - 13, 2010 | Charleston, USA

The Effect of the Oil Industry on the Post-U.S. 2008 Economic Crisis

Wednesday, October 13, 2010: 11:35 AM
Tahany Naggar, Ph.D. , Economics & Finance, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Ali Naggar, Ph.D. , Accounting, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
The Effect of Oil Industry on the Post 2008 U.S. Economic Crisis
                                                   Tahany Naggar

                                                      Ali Naggar

                                           West Chester University

The current economic and financial crisis has been the concern of businesses, investors and almost everyone else. The end of Bush’s presidency represented a landmark indicating significant decline of the nation’s economy that affected most of the industries.  Reacting to the increased public demand for financial news and information, both national and local newscasts have expanded their coverage on the worst recession since WWII or perhaps since the 1930s. 

This research paper discusses pertinent literature on business cycles, the United States most recent economic crisis, and predictions of economic recovery in the year 2010-2011. While oil and gas producing companies represent one of the major industries, it would be interesting to find out how far these companies were affected by the current economic and financial crisis.

     While planning to coordinate collecting information and data pertaining to the post US Economic Crisis of 2008, the annual reports of major oil and gas producing companies before and after the start of the current crisis will be reviewed and compared. The findings of the study would help elaborate the dimensions of the current crisis and its effect on the oil and gas industry.