2. Objectives
The basic objective of the paper will be the description and analysis of the informal labour market in Poland in the recent years based on diverse data sources including latest empirical research findings. The author would like to shed some light on the causes, dynamics and consequences of the existence and development of the informal labour market in Poland.
3. Data/Methods
The author would like to draw upon latest available research findings on the subject including the results of the recent nation-wide survey on unregistered work in Poland which are expected to be published very soon (in December 2010). The author would like also to present and comment the results of his own questionnaire research conducted in 2009. They will be confronted with findings of other research projects and available statistical data.
4. Results
The paper should provide a comprehensive, empirically based picture of the informal labour market in Poland. In the final section of the paper the author would like to indicate and characterize some trade-offs as well as possible policy options referring to the phenomenon of unregistered labour in Poland putting them into a broader context of recently debated issues and economic policy dilemmas.
5. Conclusion
The expansion of different forms of unregistered labour on the one hand represents a big growth challenge for newly emerged market economy in Poland on the other informal labour market proves to be a kind of a shock absorber enabling smoother functioning of the economy during economic slowdown.