Data/Methods: Using new proxies for various resources we utilize some novel features of the Management, Organization and Innovation surveys. The data of 1,355 firms from 10 countries let us distinguish between exporting, FDI and international outsourcing . We use various methods to capture the causal impact of firm resources on internationalization in a cross-sectional setting. Based on a traditional resource perspective we argue that ownership advantages outlined by Dunning (2009) have good explanatory power for internationalization even when we control for each country’s institutional environment and particular industries (the strategic tripod).
Expected Results: Results indicate that technological resources spur internationalization in general, while managerial resources and market power have mixed effects depending on the commitment level of various internationalization modes. Financial resources and networks have no effect on exporting and outsourcing, but are important drivers of FDI.
Key words: export, FDI, outsourcing, managerial resources, innovation, MOI firm surveys, empirical findings, firm-level