73rd International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 28 - 31, 2012 | Istanbul, Turkey

Transport and its infrastructure and activity of logistic enterprises in Poland

Thursday, 29 March 2012: 5:30 PM
Slawomir Poplawski, M.Sc. , Department of Economics, Jan Kochanowski University, Branch in Piotrków Trybunalski, Faculty of Social Science, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland
Wieslaw J. Rogalski, Ph.D. , Department of Economics, Jan Kochanowski University, Branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Faculty of Social Science, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland
 Dairy industry plays an important role in nutritive sector. It is the section of economy related with milk production, with buying it, with storage, processing and distribution of milk products like: milk, a butter, cream, ripening cheeses, drowned and curd cheeses, drinks of milk, powdered milk, a casein and an ice cream. The movement of the raw materials,  the materials, the semi-finished products and the products in dairy industry, surpasses beyond a single enterprise and also contributes to making coherences with other companies. This cooperation creates logistical chain of supplies of milk products. This chain consists from enterprises which produce and provide goods of production, homesteads (enterprises) which produce milk, dairy plants which buy and preserve milk, processing milk, products from milk which are preserved, distribution channels of milk products and chain stores which sale consumers milk products. In this logistical chain of supplies of milk products the important role not only plays the volume of consumption of milk products, but also the quantity of delivered milk. By reason of above-mentioned, the purpose of this paper is data analysis in range of milk production and consumption of milk products.

The data are the object of the analysis and concern the base of raw material of cow milk and the scale of production and consumption milk products which were published in National Statistical Office. On the basis of the carried analysis, will be draw conclusions which concern changes in range of production of milk and consumption of milk products in Poland.