73rd International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 28 - 31, 2012 | Istanbul, Turkey

349 D70-1-3979 Decision Making, Information, and Uncertainty

Saturday, 31 March 2012: 2:15 PM-4:15 PM
Andrew Samuel, Loyola University, Maryland—USA
Housing, wealth, and consumption profiles of the elderly
Asiye Aydilek, Gulf University for Science and Technology—Kuwait
Trust, cooperation, and time horizon in Central and East European countries
Ivan I. Major, Budapest University of Technology and Economics—Hungary
The need for enemies
Leopoldo Fergusson, UNK—UNK; James Robinson, Harvard University—USA; Ragnar Torvik, NTNU—Norway; Juan Vargas, U del Rosario—Colombia
Announced versus surprise inspections with bribery and tipping off
Andrew Samuel, Loyola University, Maryland—USA; Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University—USA
Andrew Samuel, Loyola University, Maryland—USA ; Ivan I. Major, Budapest University of Technology and Economics—Hungary and Asiye Aydilek, Gulf University for Science and Technology—Kuwait