73rd International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 28 - 31, 2012 | Istanbul, Turkey

366 O10-1-3997 Economic Development

Saturday, 31 March 2012: 4:45 PM-6:45 PM
Daniel Westbrook, Georgetown University—USA
Fostering development and fighting the crisis: The case of Brazilian Development Bank
Ana Claudia Alem, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)—Brazil
Sectoral productivity growth, structural change, and the Europe-U.S. productivity gap
Tarek M. Harchaoui, Groningen Growth and Development Centre—Netherlands
Trade surpluses: The development strategy of developing countries
Giacomo Saibene, Politecnico di Milano—Italy
Leopoldo Fergusson, UNK—UNK ; Murat Üngör, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey—Turkey and Ana Claudia Alem, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)—Brazil