Enterprise of polish family small-sized enterprises - results of research

Thursday, 4 April 2013: 4:50 PM
Andrzej Marjanski, Ph.D. , Departament of Management, University of Social Sciences, Chair of Enterepreneurship and Family Businesses, Lodz, Poland
Research of family enterprises have the short tradition relatively in Poland. They are being led only from a dozen or so years. They embraced small groups of enterprises with their scope and they had qualitative character as a rule. Examinations consecrated for the family business weren't being led to the wide scale in Poland still - not even to needs of the commercial or public sector. And so a credible information was missing to the subject of this type of the specificity of family enterprises and their  number, the structure and the participation of enterprises in the Polish economy. And so Poland was a  country of the peculiar paradox in the scope of family enterprises since the role of the family in the social life and the sphere of value is crucial and family has big meaning in the society. However it

wasn't of credible details about the state of the development of family enterprises.      

A research project was carried out in years 2009-2010 in Poland for the first time, of which providing credible data on the subject of the participation of small and medium family enterprises in the economy of Poland was a task. The plan also embraced comparing family and nonfamily companies from backing the internal structure, problems and needs and seeking methods up with taking them into consideration for small and average family enterprises in Poland.