Specialization, gravity, and European trade in final goods
Final goods exports from 1992 to 2008 are from the UN COMTRADE database. We use two types of final goods—capital and consumer goods.
We estimate our model specification on unbalanced panel data with a mean length of time dimension of about 10 years. In order to obtain consistent estimates we employ a dynamic panel-data model. The estimator is implemented in STATA 12 as the command xtdpd and it uses moment conditions in which lagged levels of the dependent and predetermined variables serve as instruments for the differenced equation.
Our results show that trade in final goods between Western and Eastern Europe is driven by countries’ multilateral specialization incentives that are expressed by supply-side country differences relative to the rest of the world. In addition, more trade between new and old Europe in response to supply-side country differences is realized in an increased number of different products rather than more trade in established products. At the same time, for the majority of European bilateral trade relationships, insignificant or comparatively very small specialization coefficients indicate that specialization incentives do not play much of a role in final goods trade. Hence, many of the final goods traded between Western and Eastern Europe are still different products rather than differentiated products, despite the gradual catching-up process of the new EU members.