Gambling and Other Risky Behaviors

Friday, 4 April 2014: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Michael Wenz, Northeastern Illinois University—USA
Douglas Walker, College of Charleston—USA
Addicts or opportunists? a study of casino-related crime in Elgin, Illinois
Michael Wenz, Northeastern Illinois University—USA
Gambling, risk and closed decision-making
Leighton Vaughan Williams, Nottingham Trent University—United Kingdom
Smoking bans and casino revenues: Survey results from six U.S. states
Clyde Barrow, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth—USA; David Borges, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth—USA
Win limits and gambling outcomes
Douglas Walker, College of Charleston—USA
Carlo Stagnaro, Istituto Bruno Leoni—Italy and David Borges, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth—USA