Liberty, Market and Cultural Goods II

Thursday, 3 April 2014: 5:15 PM-7:15 PM
Francesco Forte, Sapienza University of Rome—Italy

Biography: Francesco Forte is Emeritus Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. He was Minister of Finance, European Affairs and Foreign Aid of the Italian Government (1982-1983) and a former Senator and Chairman of the Finance and Treasury Committee of the Italian Senate. He also is a former President of the International Atlantic Economic Society (1984-1985) and current member of the Board of Editors of the International Advances in Economic Research. Forte is author of numerous publications on public and political economics.
Francesco Forte, Sapienza University of Rome—Italy

Biography: Francesco Forte is Emeritus Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. He was Minister of Finance, European Affairs and Foreign Aid of the Italian Government (1982-1983) and a former Senator and Chairman of the Finance and Treasury Committee of the Italian Senate. He also is a former President of the International Atlantic Economic Society (1984-1985) and current member of the Board of Editors of the International Advances in Economic Research. Forte is author of numerous publications on public and political economics.
Movie-induced tourism for Sicily after Detective Montalbano TV fiction
Michela Mantovani, University of Reggio Calabria—Italy
Common goods existence value versus use value and their sustainability
Francesco Forte, Sapienza University of Rome—Italy
Commons in tourism: how self-organization may overcome transaction costs
Carlo Stagnaro, Istituto Bruno Leoni—Italy; Martha Friel, Free University of Languages and Communication—Italy
The effect of copyright infringement on the consumption of cultural goods
Juan Montoro-Pons, University of Valencia—Spain; Miguel Puchades-Navarro, Unviersity of Valencia—Spain; Manuel Cuadrado Garcia, University of Valencia—Spain