How Would You Like Your Classroom: MOOC, Flipped, Online or Blended?

Tuesday, 14 October 2014: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Oskar Harmon, University of Connecticut—USA
Oskar Harmon, University of Connecticut—USA
Online, blended, and classroom teaching of economics principles: A randomized experiment
Oskar Harmon, University of Connecticut—USA; William Alpert, University of Connecticut—USA; Kenneth Couch, University of Connecticut—USA
Mass open on-line courseware (MOOCs): An analysis of attrition from principles of micro
Rebecca Stein, University of Pennsylvania—USA; Gloria Allione, University of Pennsylvania—USA
The better blend? Flipping the principles of microeconomics classroom
Neal Olitsky, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA; Sarah B. Cosgrove, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA
Not on the internet: Ruminations of a pedagogical curmudgeon
Michael Stein, Lindewood University—USA
Michael Stein, Lindewood University—USA ; Neal Olitsky, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—USA ; Rebecca Stein, University of Pennsylvania—USA and Oskar Harmon, University of Connecticut—USA