Plenary Panel: The Future of Europe and the Euro
Plenary Panel: The Future of Europe and the Euro
Thursday, March 12, 2015: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Gordon L. Brady, University of North Carolina–Greensboro—USA
Mario Baldassarri, Centro Studi Economia Reale and Sapienza University of Rome—Italy
Francesco Forte, Sapienza University of Rome—Italy
Presentation Title: On the convergence among the EU five main countries since the creation of the Euro: An analysis of the present club model under a memory hypothesis with spread measure
Biography: Francesco Forte is Emeritus Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. He was Minister of Finance, European Affairs and Foreign Aid of the Italian Government (1982-1983) and a former Senator and Chairman of the Finance and Treasury Committee of the Italian Senate. He also is a former President of the International Atlantic Economic Society (1984-1985) and current member of the Board of Editors of the International Advances in Economic Research. Forte is author of numerous publications on public and political economics.
Paolo Savona, Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS)—Italy
Presentation Title: The future of the Euro still lies in its past
Biography: Paolo Savona is Emeritus Professor at the Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome. He was General Manager of the Italian Confederation of Industry, has held top positions in several leading private Italian companies and banks, and served as Italy’s Minister of Industry, Commerce and Handicraft (1993-1994). Savona studied at Italian universities and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating cum laude in economics. He is author of many publications on monetary and financial economics and foundations of structural differences on productivity.
Francesco Forte, Sapienza University of Rome—Italy
Presentation Title: On the convergence among the EU five main countries since the creation of the Euro: An analysis of the present club model under a memory hypothesis with spread measure
Biography: Francesco Forte is Emeritus Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. He was Minister of Finance, European Affairs and Foreign Aid of the Italian Government (1982-1983) and a former Senator and Chairman of the Finance and Treasury Committee of the Italian Senate. He also is a former President of the International Atlantic Economic Society (1984-1985) and current member of the Board of Editors of the International Advances in Economic Research. Forte is author of numerous publications on public and political economics.
Paolo Savona, Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS)—Italy
Presentation Title: The future of the Euro still lies in its past
Biography: Paolo Savona is Emeritus Professor at the Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome. He was General Manager of the Italian Confederation of Industry, has held top positions in several leading private Italian companies and banks, and served as Italy’s Minister of Industry, Commerce and Handicraft (1993-1994). Savona studied at Italian universities and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating cum laude in economics. He is author of many publications on monetary and financial economics and foundations of structural differences on productivity.