The Economics of Sports

Sunday, October 11, 2015: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Victor Matheson, College of the Holy Cross—USA
Victor Matheson, College of the Holy Cross and the North American Association of Sports Economics—USA
Competitive balance and consumer demand in the English football league
Jonathan Willner, Oklahoma City University—USA; Misael Martinez, Oklahoma City University—USA
Oversigning in college football
John Fizel, Penn State-Erie—USA; James F. Fairbank, Penn State Erie—USA
An economic analysis of best-of-five ATP matches from 2004-2014
Darius Conger, Ithaca College—USA; Lilyana Mladenova, Ithaca College—USA
The effect of age on productivity of runners: A panel data estimation
Harold Vasquez, Central Bank of Dominican Republic—Dominican Republic
Darius Conger, Ithaca College—USA ; Jonathan Willner, Oklahoma City University—USA ; John Fizel, Penn State-Erie—USA and Lilyana Mladenova, Ithaca College—USA