European Economic Policies

Friday, 18 March 2016: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Reinhard Neck, University of Klagenfurt—Austria
Reinhard Neck, University of Klagenfurt—Austria
Towards equilibrium in income distribution: Theoretical background and empirical evidence for European countries
Friedrich L. Sell, University of the German Federal Armed Forces—Germany; Michael Oellinger, University of the German Federal Armed Forces—Germany
The relevance of the European Union banking sector to economic growth
Candida Ferreira, University of Lisbon—Portugal
Developments in the banking sector of three countries with different financial regimes
Velimir Bole, Economic Institute of the Law School (EIPF) Ljubljana—Slovenia; Milan Lakićevič, University of Montenegro—Montenegro; Ana Oblak, University of Ljubljana—Slovenia; Janez Prasnikar, University of Ljubljana and Center for Economic Policy Research—Slovenia
The impact of types of firm growth on selected macroeconomic aggregates
Maks Tajnikar, University of Ljubljana—Slovenia; Petra Dosenovic Bonca, University of Ljubljana—Slovenia; Barbara Mörec, University of Ljubljana and CEPR—Slovenia
Pollution and production control when emission standard depends on cumulative emission
Hiroshi Ohta, Kobe University—Japan; Seiichi Katayama, Aichi Gakuin University—Japan
Seiichi Katayama, Aichi Gakuin University—Japan ; Maks Tajnikar, University of Ljubljana—Slovenia ; Friedrich L. Sell, University of the German Federal Armed Forces—Germany ; Janez Prasnikar, University of Ljubljana and Center for Economic Policy Research—Slovenia and Candida Ferreira, University of Lisbon—Portugal