Financial Markets Analysis I

Friday, 18 March 2016: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Waldemar Tarczynski, University of Szczecin—Poland
Dorota Witkowska, University of Lodz—Poland
Performance of pension funds in Poland. application of investment efficiency measures
Dorota Witkowska, University of Lodz—Poland; Krzysztof Kompa, University of Łódź—Poland
Investors react to surprises? Further evidence from interest rate announcements in Poland
Jerzy Gajdka, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology—Poland; Janusz Brzeszczynski, Newcastle Business School (NBS)—United Kingdom; Ali M. Kutan, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, USA—USA
The Fundamental Power Index and Altman model in bankruptcy analysis
Malgorzata Tarczynska-Luniewska, University of Szczecin—Poland
Stock returns as a function of financial and economic ratios
Waldemar Tarczynski, University of Szczecin—Poland
Iwona Forys, University of Szczecin—Poland ; Witold Orzeszko, Nicolaus Copernicus University—Poland and Magdalena Osinska, Nicolaus Copernicus University-Torun—Poland