82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 13 - 16, 2016 | Washington, USA

The assignment game: Refined core

Saturday, October 15, 2016: 9:40 AM
Eric Szu-Wen Chou, Professor , National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Yin-Yu Chen, Ph.D. Student , department of economics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
The purposes of this paper are to refine the core of the assignment game provided by Shapely and Shubik (1972) and to find a non-degenerated system of disagreement payoff. Disagreement payoffs are the values which a buyer and a seller can obtain if the trade between them doesn’t happen. Disagreement payoff directly affects the solution of bilateral trading problem between a buyer and a seller. These problems have to have an outside market containing multiple buyers and sellers to rationalize the disagreement payoff. There are a large number of the bilateral trading problems and a system of disagreement payoffs solved simultaneously in the whole market, i.e. as a general equilibrium.

Shapely and Shubik (1972) provide the concept of a core of stable and feasible allocation in which players wouldn’t block any trade in an assignment game for bilateral trading market with multiple buyers and sellers. One of the important contributions of Shapely and Shubik (1972) is the existence of a core in such an assignment game. The geometric feature of the core suggests that the system of disagreement payoff is consistent with the lowest payoffs of allocation in the core for each player on both sides of the market. There are some examples provided in this paper explaining that such payoffs are usually stipulated to be zero-payoff for many buyers and sellers. It is difficult to find a non-degenerated system of disagreement payoffs as a general equilibrium.

One goal of this paper is to contend with the difficulty by refining the core of Shapely and Shubik (1972). The refinement is that players can enforce a coalition of buyers to buy out some other buyers from the market and a coalition of sellers to buy out some other sellers from the market. By the concept of the refined core, we can show that not all buyers or sellers have degenerated disagreement payoffs. As another goal, we show that the refined core obtained by buying out at once is without loss of generality. An alternative approach is buying out sequentially. We show that they are indifferent between these two approaches of refinement of the core.