82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 13 - 16, 2016 | Washington, USA

134 Financial Markets II

Friday, October 14, 2016: 2:15 PM-4:15 PM
Ovidiu Stoica, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi—Romania
M. Peter van der Hoek, Erasmus University—Netherlands
Implementing financial inclusion: The case of the State Bank of India
Narasimha Murthy Kalanatha Bhatta, Indian Institute of Management—India; Keyur Thaker, IIM Indore—India; Saumya Kanti Ghosh, State Bank of India—India; Saket Hishikar, State Bank of India—India
Role of collateral in supporting financial market liquidity
Joseph Noss, Bank of England—United Kingdom
Effects of simultaneous monetary policies: Evidence from an emerging market economy
Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Central Bank of Colombia—Colombia; Yasin K Onder, Central Bank of Turkey—Turkey
Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Central Bank of Colombia—Colombia ; Narasimha Murthy Kalanatha Bhatta, Indian Institute of Management—India ; Hong V. Nguyen, University of Scranton—USA and Joseph Noss, Bank of England—United Kingdom