82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 13 - 16, 2016 | Washington, USA

230 Best Undergraduate Paper Competition

Saturday, October 15, 2016: 2:15 PM-4:15 PM
Gary Clayton, Northern Kentucky University—USA
Economic policy uncertainty in Ireland
Ryan Zalla, Villanova University—USA
Mohammad Ali, University of Maryland Eastern Shore—USA ; Ansgar Belke, ; Gary Clayton, Northern Kentucky University—USA ; Mariantonietta Fiore, University of Foggia—Italy ; Rae Jean Goodman, U.S. Naval Academy—USA ; Heeho Kim, Kyungpook National University—Korea, Republic of (South) ; Rachel Kreier, Saint Joseph's College—USA ; Iuliana Matei, Scientific Institute of Economics and Management—France ; Suzanne McCosky, Frostburg State University—USA ; Pu-Yan Nie, Jinan University-China—China ; Bertram Okpokwasili, Georgian Court University—USA ; Susanne Rassouli-Currier, University of Central Oklahoma–Edmond—USA ; J K Sachdeva, ; Robert Sonora, Fort Lewis College—USA ; Vicar Valencia, Indiana University South Bend—USA ; Madhavi Venkatesan, Bridgewater State University—USA ; Sofoklis Vogiazas, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank—Greece ; Chih-Hsien Yu, University of Baltimore—USA and Ying Zhen, Wesleyan College—USA