This paper investigates the dynamic properties of the IR in the time domain as well as across the quantiles of the conditional distribution of hedge fund returns. The advantage of this approach is that it allows active portfolio managers to rebalance their portfolios in accordance with the changing pattern of the IR.
More specifically this study aims to provide answers to the following questions:
1) Are the IRs of hedge fund returns constant across time and across the range of the distribution of returns?
2) To which extent are alpha returns contributing to IR variability?
3) Is idiosyncratic risk responsible for IR variability?
The source of IR variability is an important aspect of this investigation, because different sources of variation will dictate different approaches to portfolio management and rebalancing. For example, if variability is due to changes in risk, it would imply that modeling risk and detecting predictable patterns is an important activity of portfolio management. If variability is due to alpha returns, it is important to empirically investigate the nature of such changes.
The empirical investigation of IR variability will be based on a pricing model of the Fama-French type with idiosyncratic risk following a conditionally heteroscedastic process (ARCH-type). This model will allow detection of IR variability due to changes in idiosyncratic risk.
The IR variability across the conditional distribution of returns will be based on the quantile regression model of Koenker and Basset (1978).
We expect the conditional IR to be changing across time based on the evidence regrading the variability of risk over time. Furthermore, we expect the IR to exhibit significant variation across the distribution. The findings could be useful for portfolio strategies, rebalancing techniques and performance evaluation