This session presents papers that address the influence of macro factors, finance and climate on debt rating, effectiveness of monetary policy, crop supply and firm liquidity. One paper explores methods for determining a sovereign rating based on analysis of macroeconomic indicators. One paper estimates grain production yields and area response to economic rotational and climate factors for cropping districts. Using the production identity yield*area it argues that simultaneous estimation of yield and area is more efficient than individual estimation. One paper examines whether accommodating monetary policy (total easing) coupled with quantitative easing is effective and whether its influence is not overestimated and it may bring negative effects in the future that have not emerged in the short term. One paper investigate the impact of outsourcing on a firm liquidity, which not have been fully analyzed. Paper address this issue through an empirical study that has identified a source of information on the amount of contractual purchase obligations arising from the outsourcing decision and demonstrates their significant impact on company liquidity and related financial metrics.