69th International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 24 - 27, 2010 | Prague, Czech Republic

The French Finance Act in 2010 and GDP Growth

Thursday, 25 March 2010: 17:45
François Facchini Sr, PhD , Economie, Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne (PAris 1, France), PAris, France
This article discusses the consequences of economic policy of french government on GDP Growth. The french government rehabilited public spending, deficit and debt public, in an other word the golden rules of keynesian public finance. We do not think that this economic policy will be the expected effect. It will prevents France to be on its border of the production possibilities highest. To make sure a first section recalls the opposition between keynesian and classical public finances. The second section explains why the french to limite in the public deficit in the futur (2011) is not realistic. It uses at this end the contemporary history of french GDP growth. A third section shows, firstly why the deficit and public debt mask the negative effects of public spending and extent the unproductive expenditure and secondly why the public debt affects the structure of capital and prevents the entrepreneur to coordinate the plans of production and consumption in the time. This lack of coordination makes the market unstable and prepares an even deeper crisis.