Monday, October 11, 2010: 4:30 PM
The doubtless immense influence on the economic development of Poland have the processes of globalization, in particular since Poland’s accession to the European Union. Globalization is not only the economic problem, but also joining many discipline of science process, in this the economy, sociology, technique or the protection of environment. Sustainable development in Poland is the effect globalization of transformation in world economy, the links oneself inseparably with intensive development of technology and the production. Processes of transformation often cause for natural environment the danger of air, water or soil pollution. It can affirm, that globalization brings Poland therefore both chances, as well as danger, because it determines from one side development and gives the possibility of structural changes and from the other side sure compulsion puts on, having on aim form efficient institutional system and legal. Additionally strongly politicized economy in Poland slows down processes restructure in all her areas.
The aim of work, is the opinion of level of initiating as well as the realization of sustainable development concept principles in Poland in correlation with setting processes of globalization.