A low and changeable rate of economic growth co-existing with low inflation provokes a question: does maintaining by ECB the inflation target at a low level (about 2%) really promote economic growth in Eurozone countries? If the answer to this question was negative, then it would be necessary to consider whether ECB should resign from rigid inflation control in favour of more flexible monetary policy.
Without going into details of an absolute value of inflation target which ECB should aim at, it seems obvious that this value should not result from doctrinal, intuitive or commonsensical premises but from the ones which take into a broad view of price specificity of individual member countries and, in particular, historically developed inflation-economic growth relationships in such a country. Only then will the price rise control stop being a fetish but will become an object of conscious choice made with full awareness of the entire complexity of external and internal factors which may affect the course of real processes in economy.
Critical analyzes of ECB monetary policy, focused on strict inflation targeting. Statistical analyzis and evaluation of means applied by ECB to support economic growth processes in Eurozone countries, based on Eurostat, OECD and national data.
Expected results
The proof that ECB should change the methodology used by formulation its inflation target.
Key words: monetary policy, neutral inflation, ECB monetary target, economic success indicator, economic growth, Not Decelerating Economic Growth Rate of Inflation (NDEGRI).