71st International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 16 - 19, 2011 | Athens, Greece

103 G15-1-3492 Emerging Markets

Thursday, 17 March 2011: 09:00-11:00
Marek Gruszczyński, Warsaw School of Economics—Poland
Krzysztof Kompa, Warsaw University of Life Sciences—Poland
Econometric Analysis of Risk Transfer on Capital Markets: The Case of China
Magdalena Osinska, Nicolaus Copernicus University-Torun—Poland; Marcin Faldzinski, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun—Poland; Tomasz Zdanowicz, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun—Poland
The Foreign Transformation of the Chinese Banking System
Jennifer Foo, Stetson University—USA; Dorota Witkowska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences—Poland
Are Relationships between CE Equity Markets Dependable on Stock Cycles?
Aleksandra Matuszewska-Janica, Warsaw University of Life Sciences—Poland
Informed and Uninformed Trading on the Interbank EUR/PLN Market
Katarzyna Bien, Warsaw School of Economics—Poland
Short-sale Constraints Impact on the Capital Market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Edyta Marcinkiewicz, Technical University of Lodz—Poland; Krzysztof Kompa, Warsaw University of Life Sciences—Poland
Deterministic Pricing of Debt Financial Instruments
Andrzej Karpio, Warsaw University of Life Sciences—Poland
Pawel Kufel, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun—Poland ; Marcin Blazejowski, Torun School of Banking—Poland ; Joanna Gorka, Nicolaus Copernicus University inToruñ—Poland ; Edyta Marcinkiewicz, Technical University of Lodz—Poland and Waldemar Florczak, University of lodz—Poland