71st International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 16 - 19, 2011 | Athens, Greece

221 G10-8-3555 Growth and Financial Markets

Friday, 18 March 2011: 17:00-19:00
Frederick W. Derrick, Loyola University Maryland—USA
M. Peter van der Hoek, Erasmus University—Netherlands
Investor Relations Importance in the Global Financial Market
Danuta Dziawgo, Torun University—Poland
Determinants of the Level of Foreign Exchange Reserves
Lubos Komarek, Czech National Bank—Czech Republic; Jan Frait, Czech National Bank—Czech Republic
Economic Growth, Volatility, and Innovation for the EU-27
Solomon Ovidiu, Romanian – American University—Romania; Judita Samuel, Romanian - American University—Romania; Adam Altăr – Samuel, Romanian - American University, Bucharest—Romania
The Share of External Debt and Economic Growth
Panagiotis Tsintzos, T.E.I. of Larissa—Greece; Tilemahos Efthimiadis, KEPE-Research Center—Greece
The Impact of Debt on Economic Growth
Lenno Uuskula, European Central Bank—Germany; Martti Randveer, Bank of Estonia—Estonia; Liina Kulu, Bank of Estonia—Estonia
Lenno Uusküla, European University Institute—Italy ; Danuta Dziawgo, Torun University—Poland ; Lubos Komarek, Czech National Bank—Czech Republic ; Solomon Ovidiu, Romanian – American University—Romania and Tilemahos Efthimiadis, KEPE-Research Center—Greece