72nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 20 - 23, 2011 | Washington, USA

Modeling status and gender to the TAM model applied to on-line banking in Québec

Saturday, 22 October 2011: 5:35 PM
Jean-Pierre Lévy Mangin, Ph.D. , Departament du Sciences Administratives, Universite du Quebec, Gatineau, QC, Canada
The online banking allows customers to access information, do many banking operations  through a telecommunication network without leaving home or business in a complete virtual environment, based on the Technology Acceptance Model this paper focuses on the importance of the impact of two external latent variables 'Gender' 'Status' 'Data Processing Knowledge'and 'Studies' on all latent variables of online banking in a Quebecer environment; the model highlights the predictive importance of this model and the accuracy of the results.