The author realizes the above fact at the Endogenous Kamiryo World Table (KEWT) 6.12 data-sets for 81 countries, 1990-2010; starting with 25 original actual data of International Financial Statistics Yearbooks, IMF; and integrating the endogenous model (theory) and system (practice) into a unity of theory and practice. This paper focuses the ‘the ratio of net investment to deficit,’ keeping in mind’ the 3 % to GDP in the Stability Pact and the Golden Rule (or, by the European Commission, 1997 and 2010).
Subjective financial and market policies are traced back to a fact that wages are attributed to households and, returns to enterprises and corporations. This shows a defect that government produces no returns even if deficit becomes huge. Yet, the SNA has a proper function of actual records to national accounts. The endogenous system thoroughly converts records-oriented to policies-oriented goal.
The ratio of net investment to deficit shows the essence of the endogenous structure of the balance of payments, deficit, and the saving less net investment at the private sector. This ratio is another expression of net investment to the difference between saving and net investment, each at the private sector. The rate of technological progress is most basic and measured endogenously as the product of net investment and the qualitative net investment coefficient, 1−beta, where beta moves slowly but, net investment changes sharply by year. Thus, net investment by sector (government and private) is one of fundamental elements at the endogenous-equilibrium, which is a whole surrogate for the price-equilibrium. The endogenous-equilibrium holds most influenced by net investment by sector. As a result, all the endogenous parameters and variables are simultaneously measured by sector. The endogenous and actual ratios of net investment to deficit become a key for solving problems and leading to sustainable returns and growth. This paper shows related figures by country for 46 countries, each as a hopeful lighthouse to the route/goal.