73rd International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 28 - 31, 2012 | Istanbul, Turkey

101 E32-1-4005 Business Cycles

Thursday, 29 March 2012: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
M. Peter van der Hoek, Erasmus University—Netherlands
The (in)effectiveness of fiscal stimulus and the role of wealth and income inequality
Norman H. Sedgley III, Loyola University Maryland—USA; Frederick W. Derrick, Loyola University Maryland—USA; Charles E. Scott, Loyola University Maryland—USA; Nancy Williams, Loyola University Maryland—USA
The ratio of net investment to deficit' essential to reinforce the 3 % ‘golden rule'
Hideyuki Kamiryo, Hiroshima Shudo University, Reserach Institute for Environmental Economics—Japan
Is fiscal policy more effective during cyclical downturns?
George Karras, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago—USA
Income distribution and effectiveness of government expenditure multiplier
Subarna Samanta, The College of New Jersey—USA
Bogdan Mróz, Warsaw School of Economics—Poland ; Frederick W. Derrick, Loyola University Maryland—USA ; Hideyuki Kamiryo, Hiroshima Shudo University—Japan ; George Karras, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago—USA and Subarna Samanta, The College of New Jersey—USA
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