K10-1 4416 Law and Economics

Thursday, 4 April 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Meredith A. Black, Boise State University—USA
Lowering the volume of assets of companies before their entry into insolvency proceedings
Lubos Smrcka, University of Economics-Prague—Czech Republic
Uncovering criminal economy
Amedeo Argentiero, University of Perugia, Department of Economics, Finance and Statistics—Italy; Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia—Italy
Lubos Smrcka, University of Economics-Prague—Czech Republic ; Andries Nentjes, University of Groningen—Netherlands ; Stephanie Bardwell, Christopher Newport University—USA ; Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia—Italy and Anantdeep Singh, University of Southern California—USA