Health, Education, and Welfare II

Sunday, October 13, 2013: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University—USA
Childhood obesity a public health problem in the developing world: A study on India
Divya Balasubramaniam, Saint Joseph's University—USA
Mother's bargaining power, gender preferences, and child schooling
Solomon T. Tesfu, Mount St. Mary’s University—USA; Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University—USA
The impact of education reforms on salaries of Arizona school district superintendents
Scott Milliman, James Madison University—USA; Robert Maranto, University of Arkansas—USA; William Wood, James Madison University—USA
Scott Milliman, James Madison University—USA ; Stephanie Bardwell, Christopher Newport University—USA and Divya Balasubramaniam, Saint Joseph's University—USA