Biographical Sketch: Ansgar Belke is a Professor of Microeconomics, an “ad personam” Jean Monnet Chair for macroeconomics, and Director of the Institute of Business and Economic Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He is also a Research Professor at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels. His main areas of interest are international macroeconomics, monetary economics, European integration and applied econometrics. He has served as a consultant to the Monetary Committee for the European Parliament, Czech National Bank and serves as editor of multiple journals. Dr. Belke was ranked among the top 30 most influential German-speaking economist by the Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung.
138 Executive Committee Meeting (By Invitation Only) in Session:
230 Best Undergraduate Paper Competition in Session:
323 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Session:
The political economy of the impossible trinity in Session: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Labor market reforms and current account imbalances - beggar-thy-neighbor policies in a currency union? in Session: Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis for Stability, Growth and Redistribution: Policy Debates
Student: No
First Time Attendee: No