82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

October 13 - 16, 2016 | Washington, USA

203 Health Theory, Policy, & Behavior

Saturday, October 15, 2016: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Michael Rosko, Widener University—USA
Sources of variation in U.S. hospital profitability
Michael Rosko, Widener University—USA; John Goddard, Bangor University—United Kingdom; Mona Al-Amin, Suffolk University—USA; Manouche Tavakoli, University of St Andrews—United Kingdom
Moral hazard: It's the supply side, stupid!
Rachel Kreier, Saint Joseph's College—USA
Impacts of regional unemployment variation on preventive health behavior: The case of flu vaccination
Yunwei Gai, Babson College—USA; Li Feng, Texas State University—USA
Work limiting health and divorce behavior: A retrospective analysis with SIPP data
Peijingran Yu, Stonehill College—USA; Kenneth Couch, University of Connecticut—USA