69th International Atlantic Economic Conference

March 24 - 27, 2010 | Prague, Czech Republic

Development of Ecological Agriculture in Poland in the Context of Europe and the World

Thursday, 25 March 2010: 09:30
Piotr Bartkowiak, Ph.D., Hab. , Department of Organisation and Management Theory, POZNAN UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT, POZNAN, Poland
            The dynamic development of ecological agriculture in Poland, as and on whole world be connected first of all with huge interest of realized conception of  high quality food production, protection of environment, and also the maintenance the animals' welfare. With every year the number of ecological farms grows up as well as the surface of crops, in spite more and more sharpened connected from their functioning recipes. It the largest designed on ecological crop surface on world was intended was in Australia and Oceania (12,2 million h), then in Europe (6,5 million h) and South America (6,4 million h). In Europen Unit countries the the largest surface of ecological farms in proportional part of agricultural uses with totality steps out in Austria (13,37 % UR). In Poland part this is yet small, because only 1,94 carries out %.