This presentation is part of: C10-3 (2184) Statistical and Econometric Methods for Business and Economics - II

The Effect of Immigration in Regional Spanish Employment Growth

Leticia Meseguer Santamaria, M.B.A., José Mondéjar Jiménez, Ph.D., and Manuel Vargas, PhD. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Pza de la Universidad, 1, Albacete, 02071, Spain


 1. Title: “The effect of immigration on regional Spanish employment growth” 
2. Objectives: The immigration represents a labour-supply shock that have contributed to change the labour-skill composition, particularly in sectors such as agriculture or construction. We propose an approximation to the impact of immigration on employment growth of the Spanish regions and a first quantification of the differences among its.
3. Data/Methods: The methodology is the shift-share model and the empirical application is based on regional information provided by the National Institute of Statistics through the Labor Force Survey.
4. Results/Expected results: The results provide a quantification of the impact of   immigration flows in the Spanish labour market and its interregional differences.
5. Conclusion: In this paper we analyze the effects of immigration in the Spanish labour markets. The impact has been asymmetrical across Spanish regions, suggesting that adjustments mechanism of regional labour markets to actual situation could be different among its and could also differ in the future unemployment rates.

Keywords: Shife-Share, region, employment.